Entries by VUM

Showing Some Valentines Love

In the Spirit of Valentine’s Day, VUM gave away chocolates to select brokers across Durban and Johannesburg. Above are the happy ladies from Scottfin Insurance Brokers showing off their gifts. If you feel that you missed out, and would like a visit from a VUM Marketer, let us know by emailing marketing@vum.co.za.www58.cpt3.host-h.net.

Preferred Panel Beaters

After a prolonged trial period, VUM has decided to discontinue our Preferred Panel Beater excess reducer due to the fact that it has not proven to be economical.

London Road Church Soccer Team Sponsorship

VUM sponsored soccer kit to the London Road Church Soccer Team. London Road Church will be running a soccer tournament in Alexandra Township as a vehicle for reaching young men in that community. This is part of an ongoing effort by London Road Church to make a real difference in that community.   VUM are […]

Annual Staff Party

On Friday 29th of November we gathered for our annual staff party. Each year we take the opportunity to celebrate VUM’s greatest asset – our amazing staff.   We kicked off our day realigning with our company values and then shared in a festive meal. Thank you for your support in 2013. We look forward […]


VUM featured in this month’s RISKSA Magazine where our Managing Director, Dave Gould, was interviewed. Some of the changes in the Taxi industry were highlighted as well as the opportunities with our new product, AssetSure. To download and read the full article click on link below risksa